
Anna Advice Lab is a natural anti-aging solution brand that pursues safe and healthy beauty by analyzing and interpreting the effectiveness of ingredients based on a deep understanding of the energy contained in nature, and researching and developing anti-aging healing ingredients through nature.

Unchanging beauty depends not on issues such as wrinkles, moisture, or skin tone, but on the balance of cellular energy that makes up the skin.
Anna Advice Lab aims to showcase the wonders of natural ingredients from all sources to support natural healing and vital energy cell activation.


Natural anti-aging is a field of natural healing and a type of alternative medicine.
Now more than ever, the world is paying attention to natural healing, natural anti-aging, and alternative medicine. The United States established the National Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is investing a significant amount of budget to conduct research on the safety and effectiveness of natural anti-aging.  ​I believe this is because with the advent of the aging era, quality of life has become more important and the axis of modern medicine has changed from disease-centered to health-centered.  Suppressing aging and living a healthy life have become more important than simply treating disease.  Before natural anti-aging, the concept of alternative medicine generally referred to everything except Western medicine.  Western medicine uses and accepts only information that has been objectively verified and confirmed through biological and scientific methods.  
​All medicine except Western medicine and Oriental medicine is considered alternative medicine.  Folk remedies and natural remedies also fall under alternative medicine.

In Western medicine, the human condition is divided into disease and disease-free, and the focus of medicine is on disease.  However, in Oriental medicine, a person's condition is divided into healthy and unhealthy, and the focus of medicine is on health.  Between the extremes of Western and Eastern medicine, there exists an unhealthy state that is neither healthy nor sick.  The state of poor health is called a ‘neutral state,’ and alternative medicine emerged to manage the neutral state.  There are about 360 complementary and alternative therapies known to date, and they are divided into traditional medicine, natural medicine, mind-body medicine, nutritional diet therapy, oriental medicine, resin therapy, and energy therapy.
Additionally, the basic theory is divided into alternative therapy based on Western medicine, alternative therapy closely related to Eastern medicine, and alternative therapy that combines Eastern and Western medicine.  Recently, Integrative Medicine, which is a step forward from alternative medicine, is attracting attention.  Integrative medicine is a field of research that improves humans’ natural healing abilities.  
One branch of integrative medicine is natural anti-aging.



The human body is constantly bombarded through the air, water and food we drink and eat every day.
It is an attack through the introduction of active oxygen and pollutants.
It also attacks through stressful lifestyles and eating habits.
Of course, the human body has resistance to disease because it has a defense system called the immune system and a regenerative system called the natural healing power.
However, when the defense and regenerative systems reach their limits, chronic diseases or cancer cells occur.
If you know the exact cause and provide the body with what it needs, the body creates an environment in which chronic diseases or cancer cells do not form and suppresses them.
“Natural healing means that the body heals itself.” However, natural anti-aging does not occur if the ingredients necessary for the human body are not replenished.
The human body has mechanisms for self-diagnosis, self-recovery, and tissue regeneration, starting with the DNA of cells. Natural anti-aging is possible by strengthening necessary areas.



Natural healing considers nature, including forests, land, oxygen, water, and sunlight, as the best treatment. Recently, the healing effects of forests have become widely known.
Germany is a country that makes good use of the healing effects of forests.
Germany not only considers forest bathing as preventive medicine and supports it through health insurance, but the entire population travels to forest resorts for 13 days once every three years to improve national health.
There are many forest kindergartens for children’s health.
Japan uses forest therapy There are many programs that combine hot spring bathing and forest bathing, taking advantage of the terrain rich in hot springs.
Alternative medicine that combines natural healing properties has a high healing effect and is essential for natural anti-aging.
For natural anti-aging, it is very important to understand the interrelationship between nutrients needed by the human body, and the key is to remove and purify toxins.
Natural anti-aging normalizes cellular energy that lacks natural healing power.
Simply put, natural anti-aging is about quickly replenishing the missing nutrients your body needs, making it safe and healthy without any side effects.



Our human bodies are born with natural anti-aging properties.
When tissue damage occurs, it is recognized, the damaged tissue is removed, and normal tissue is replaced.
This process is due to the body's naturally occurring DNA programming.
These natural anti-aging abilities can be referred to as detoxification and regeneration, also known as body homeostasis.
However, this detoxification and regeneration ability deteriorates over time, and if it continues for a long period of time, not only metabolic diseases but also chronic diseases may occur.
Ultimately, all chronic diseases are metabolic diseases.

In order to manage metabolic diseases, it is important to first optimize detoxification and regenerative abilities, including detoxification, nutrition, and immunity.


Natural anti-aging is a science.
Wounds in our bodies cause tissue problems, but wound healing is a natural anti-aging process.

In cases that cannot be treated with drugs, more than 80% of cases can be treated by directly applying the necessary ingredients through nutritional medicine interpretation and analysis.
If you go into molecular nutrition, you can see more than 90% effectiveness.

Natural Anti-Aging is a natural smart product-type system that has been researched and developed so that anyone can use it conveniently and easily in everyday life based on the scientific basis of Western medicine and the principles of natural healing power.


All living things try to return to normal when something goes wrong with their body. 
This is called natural resilience.
For example, if you have a small wound on your body, if you do nothing and leave it alone, the wound will disappear on its own. This is because it has natural resilience.
Natural anti-aging is a way to strengthen and increase this natural resilience.
Natural recovery refers to the disappearance of inflammation and disease and restoration of health by improving a person's natural healing abilities, such as antibiotic power, immunity, and regenerative power.
When we think of healing, we usually think of getting better from a wound or disease. ​
ut healing is a much bigger concept than that.
Healing means complete recovery, not just treating an illness.
Therefore, natural anti-aging is not simply about preventing disease, but helping the body, mind, and body overcome disease and return to a healthy state.


Natural anti-aging is natural, and Western medicine is artificial.
The body's natural healing power is strengthened by cellular energy and treats diseases with its own power.

Western medicine attempts to eliminate diseases using artificial methods such as chemicals or surgery.

Natural anti-aging is holistic, while Western medicine is specific.
Natural anti-aging strives to understand the entire human body and strengthen its natural healing power, while Western medicine strives to eliminate only the symptoms of the painful area.

Natural anti-aging is relatively more accessible than Western medicine.
Although the application and treatment method is simple and the economic burden is very low, the process of accessing Western medicine is very complicated.

Access is possible through specialized medical staff, time is required to adjust the treatment situation, and the burden of medical expenses is very high.


Causes of aging and chronic incurable diseases

(genetic, environmental)
 harmful substances, eating habits, lack of exercise, nutritional imbalance
(quantum physics)
 Energy circulation disorder
 Psychological stress
Our physical and energy bodies know how to naturally heal themselves.
In Western medicine, alternative medicine, and integrative medicine, true healing is the body's natural healing power.
In Western medicine, it is said that even if symptoms are treated with drugs, injections, or surgery, ultimate recovery depends on the body's own natural healing ability.

Western medicine, which only focuses on treating symptoms, has limitations in providing a cure because it is difficult to find the root cause.
The reason modern medicine does not have a positive effect on chronic incurable diseases is because natural healing power cannot be restored with chemicals, but detoxification is possible through natural nutrients.



Western medicine
Alternative medicine
This is a natural anti-aging product system that has been researched and developed so that natural anti-aging, a natural healing method that combines Western medicine, alternative medicine, and integrative medicine, can be easily and conveniently used in everyday life.

It detoxifies toxins caused by nutritional imbalance in the body and restores natural healing functions (balance, regulation, homeostasis, energy production, regeneration, immunity, detoxification, circulation).
It is a natural healing product-type smart system that not only prevents aging and chronic incurable diseases, but also fundamentally awakens the body's immunity and natural healing power.


Naturally derived ingredients refer to chemical ingredients extracted from plant materials obtained from nature.
There are fewer atopic reactions or side effects compared to animal-derived ingredients or synthetic chemical ingredients.
Because it is obtained from plants, it is relatively less irritating to the human body and is safer than artificial chemical ingredients.

Products with an ingredient content of 95% or more are permitted.
Anything lower than this is a synthetic product that is only needed for stability and preservation.

Gentle on the skin and less irritating.
Atopic reaction
Less likely to cause allergies.
Because it is obtained from nature, it has little negative impact on the environment.
A variety of plants provides a variety of choices.
Provides various skin benefits including moisturizing, soothing, and anti-inflammatory.
Certification mark
You can check the identification of the natural ingredient certification mark.

Natural ingredients refer to pure ingredients extracted from nature.
This is only possible if it does not contain artificial fragrances, synthetic colors, or synthetic preservatives, and has not undergone any chemical treatment.

Even if it is extracted from natural ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, it cannot be considered a natural ingredient if chemicals such as synthetic fragrances or coagulants are used during the manufacturing process.

Purity ingredients
Must contain a certain percentage of natural ingredients.
Manufacturing process
Must go through an eco-friendly manufacturing process.
Environmental protection
The environmental impact of the collection and use of natural ingredients must also be considered.
Ingredient labeling, manufacturing process, and corporate disclosure.
Must undergo rigorous testing to ensure safety.
Certification agency
Trust is secured through certification.

Nature is full of various antioxidants that play an essential role in neutralizing free radicals in our bodies.
Each antioxidant works in a unique way to protect our health.
It refers to a substance that prevents oxidation. They are called antioxidants or antioxidants.

When by-products or air enter the human body during the process of generating energy, a substance called 'active oxygen' is created.
If these free radicals become more abundant than necessary, they can damage cells or DNA and cause various diseases.
At this time, ‘antioxidant action’ plays an important role.

This means that it inhibits oxidation. 
This is a concept that often appears when explaining the cellular aging process and prevention.
This is the body's natural defense mechanism to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals.
By neutralizing or regulating the levels of free radicals, it helps prevent cell damage and maintain health.
Antioxidant effect 
Carotenoids (beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein)
Flavonoids (anthocyanins, catechins, resveratrol, proanthocyanidins)
Isoflavones (genistein, daidzein)
Vitamin C and Vitamin E


It prevents this damage by reacting with free radicals and stabilizing them or rendering them harmless.
It is essential for neutralizing the negative effects of free radicals on cells, reducing oxidative stress, and maintaining the overall health of our body.
Cellular aging refers to cellular oxidation.
Oxygen that enters the body through breathing has a beneficial effect on the body, and oxygen radicals are created in this process.
Excess oxygen radicals have a negative effect on the animal's body by exposing oxygen to unstable conditions.
Therefore, maintaining an appropriate level of free radicals is a key principle in preventing cell oxidation and cell aging.
This occurs as a result of our body's normal metabolic processes, but their number can increase due to external factors such as food intake, stress, smoking, a polluted environment, and exposure to ultraviolet rays.
Antioxidants fight these free radicals and protect our bodies.
Antioxidant Activity
It slows down the aging of cells and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
It plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and improving overall health.
This extends beyond simply preventing cellular damage caused by free radicals to preventing chronic disease and supporting anti-aging processes.
Studies have shown that sufficient antioxidant intake may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, and age-related diseases.
Therefore, consistently consuming foods rich in antioxidants is important for maintaining and improving long-term health.


Various foods that we can easily encounter in our daily lives contain powerful antioxidants.
This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.
These foods provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols.

The Role of 
Vitamin C and Vitamin E
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in removing oxygen radicals inside and outside cells.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that primarily protects cell membranes and protects cells from free radicals.
Benefits of 
Beta Carotene and Selenium
Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body and has powerful antioxidant effects.
Selenium is a component of enzymes and is required for the activation of antioxidant enzymes.

A healthy lifestyle plays an important role in enhancing antioxidant activity and protecting our body from free radicals.
You can improve your antioxidant capacity through several methods you can implement in your daily life.

How to boost 
in your life
A healthy lifestyle naturally improves your body's antioxidant activity.
A balanced diet, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and stress management all improve antioxidant capacity.
It is very important to eat plenty of foods rich in antioxidants, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and green tea.
More than 95% of the day Naturally derived antioxidants should be taken regularly.

In fact, it protects our body from external harmful elements, It plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy and active life.
Through this antioxidant effect, damage occurring at the cellular level is minimized, It can slow down the aging process and protect our body from various diseases.


Salt made from nature does not have a high sodium chloride content, but it has a relatively high content of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and germanium.
Minerals have the effect of controlling salt in our body, preventing dehydration, excreting toxins, increasing immunity, and controlling inflammation in the body.
If you want to directly absorb minerals, which are essential nutrients for modern people, the key is to consume an appropriate amount of salt.

Salt is Sodium chloride (NaCl) is a substance that combines sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl).
It contains about 40% sodium and 60% chlorine. Some salts, such as sea salt, contain different types of minerals such as magnesium and calcium.

Ingredients of salt
Nacl (sodium chloride)
MgSO4 (Magnesium sulfate)
Magnesium chloride
Calcium sulfate
Calcium chloride

Salt is one of the most important seasonings in our food diet.
It is commonly called edible salt and contains about 2.8% in seawater.
In general, salt is composed of sodium chloride as its main ingredient and other contents such as moisture, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and the composition ratio of ingredients varies depending on the type of salt.
Additionally, the quality of salt is determined by the salt manufacturing method and the specific gravity of sodium chloride contained in the salt.

70% of our body is made up of water, and our blood is filled with 0.9% sodium. Sodium is also contained in cells.
For example, when an external stimulus is applied to the cells of the cranial nerves and central nerves, sodium and potassium distributed inside and outside the cells interact and play the most important role in sending electrical signals to operate body functions.
If these nerve cells do not function, our body cannot function at all.
The 0.9% salt concentration helps the normal function of red blood cells that transport oxygen, helping to smoothly supply oxygen to the entire body.

Promote metabolism
Salt promotes metabolism, breaks down food, and excretes waste.
If metabolism is not carried out smoothly, the blood becomes acidic, lowering immunity and increasing the risk of various diseases.
Supports red blood 
cell production
blood vessel purification.
Insufficient salt intake not only causes indigestion, but also causes anemia as red blood cells are not produced due to lack of iron.
Prevents arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure.
Maintains fluid balance.
Salt properly regulates moisture, prevents metabolism from becoming acidic or alkaline, and allows nutrients to be absorbed and transported.
Helps digestion.
Salt removes impurities stuck to the stomach and intestinal wall, helps intestinal flow, prevents abnormal fermentation in the intestines, and improves intestinal function.
This is to ensure that nutrients are distributed evenly throughout the body.
Detoxification and sterilization
Even if harmful substances or bacteria invade, they cannot invade cells and blood vessels, increasing the body's resistance.
Antipyretic and geothermal action
If you apply salt to an area that is bleeding from an abrasion, you may see the blood clot faster.
This is because salt acts as a fever reducer and geothermal agent in the body.
cell production
Salt plays a role in quickly restoring dead or destroyed cells.
Consuming good salt along with clean water not only energizes the body, but also helps eliminate skin problems such as spots, freckles, and acne.
Minerals provided
It cleanses the body's blood vessels, aids digestion and intestinal function, and prevents protein from being excreted in the urine.
In this way, salt can provide essential minerals to our human body.

Sodium contained in salt combines with carbonic acid in the body to form bicarbonate, which maintains the acidity (pH) of blood or body fluids at slightly alkaline (pH 7.4).
Sodium is used as an ingredient in producing digestive juices, such as bile acids, that help digest the food we eat.
If indigestion symptoms persist, it is worth suspecting a lack of salt or insufficient secretion of digestive juices.
However, many health experts warn against excessive sodium intake. The biggest reason is that if you consume too much sodium, more water is needed in the blood inside the blood vessels to adjust the sodium concentration to 0.9%, which increases blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is also said that if kidney function declines, it may weaken kidney disease. To summarize the health information, salt is an essential mineral food for the human body, but if consumed in excess, it can be poisonous to health.

Minerals refer to the four elements that account for most of the various elements present in our bodies, that is, elements excluding carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
Minerals not only affect various biological phenomena in our body, such as osmotic pressure regulation, membrane potential formation, and nerve transmission, but also play an important role in protein formation.
Therefore, if the supply of minerals is not smooth, various physiological phenomena are damaged, making it easy to suffer from diseases such as chronic fatigue, headache, atopy, and insomnia, and in severe cases, it can even lead to death.

Back in the days when minerals were abundantly supplied through the food we consumed, minerals were not a problem.
However, it is said that 90% of American adults are suffering from mineral deficiencies due to increased consumption of instant food, lack of use of restrooms, artificial fertilizers, and refined salt.
Although proper research has not yet been conducted in Korea, there is a shocking report that approximately 80% of Korean adults suffer from magnesium deficiency.

Balanced intake of minerals is most important.
However, there is still no right answer to what combination of minerals you should take.
However, many scientists speculate that the best combination may be the one that most closely resembles the mineral content found in human body fluids.
Therefore, sea salt made by evaporating sea water similar to the body fluids of the human body can be said to be a balanced mineral source in terms of mineral combination.
In terms of ingredients, Jeonnam region sea salt is richer in minerals than foreign French salt, and has a higher magnesium content than French Guérande sea salt, which is said to be the best salt in the world.

A relationship in which two or more substances act simultaneously in the body and inhibit each other's absorption and efficacy is called an antagonistic relationship.
Most minerals have one or more minerals that have an antagonistic relationship.
When they meet in our body, they play the role of pushing each other out of the body or inhibiting activity.
For example, zinc (Zn), which plays an important role in various physiological phenomena in our body, combines with cadmium (Cd), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), saliva Fe), and selenium (Se).
This is known to inhibit absorption or action.
It is thought that consuming large amounts of zinc may have side effects, such as replenishing selenium (Se) for energy production.
Foods for antagonism also contain trace amounts of magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and phosphorus (P).
Consuming significantly more calcium (Ca) to increase bone density may not improve osteoporosis, which can be achieved by supplementing with magnesium (Mg), another building block of bone.
In terms of antagonism, we could say that our body needs another mechanism to oppose.
In this regard, it can be said that sea salt is a very good source of high-frequency bones and rejects body parts of wellness fluids.




Everything that has life contains salt, and the proportion of salt determines its lifespan.
Salt deficiency is the root of all diseases
The recommendation to eat bland foods has become a big stereotype in our society.
There is nothing in this world that is not a medicine, and among medicines, there is almost nothing that is not a poison.
Salt is both a medicine and a poison, but it is a gift from heaven that has a much higher role and function as a medicine than as a poison.
If you want to say that salt is harmful, you should clearly state the difference between good salt and processed refined salt (Nacl 99%) rather than calling it sea salt.
Most salt sold commercially is imported salt and is not much different from industrial salt.
Processed and refined salt contains mostly sodium, but sea salt contains about 10% of various minerals (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Si, Fe, P, etc.), so there is a significant qualitative difference.
It is widely known that lack of essential minerals causes disease.
If food is made bland, it spoils, and if there is a lack of salt, inflammation occurs and various diseases occur.

Balances minerals (alkaline and acid) in the body and activates cell metabolism.
It maintains adequate moisture in the body, strengthens muscle activity, and at the same time expels intracellular waste.
Promotes cell metabolism and activates enzymes.
It strengthens cell membranes and bones and is involved in heart muscle and nerves.
It is related to metabolism, including the discharge of waste products out of the body through water retention, and is essential for regulating muscle contraction and smooth neuromuscular activity.
It is effective in treating various skin diseases and strengthens resistance.
Activates brain activity and improves concentration and thinking skills.
It repairs DNA, removes free radicals, and prevents aging and cancer.
It is part of the molecule that makes up vitamin B12 and acts as a component and activator of enzymes.
Most of it gathers in the thyroid gland to form hormone components, and in the interior of the United States, iodine salt is legally mixed with table salt to prevent disease.
It is second only to calcium in the body. Most of it is calcium phosphate, which exists in bones and teeth, and the rest is phospholipids and nucleic acids that make up all tissues.
It is involved in normal growth and development and acts to relieve fatigue.
It plays a role in maintaining the cardiovascular system by producing red blood cells and increasing iron absorption and utilization, and is essential for normal immune function.


It is largely composed of a reservoir, evaporation pond, and crystallization pond.
A reservoir is a place to store seawater, and an evaporation pond is a place to increase salinity using solar heat and wind.
The crystallizer plays the role of changing seawater with increased salinity in the evaporation pond into salt (sea salt) crystals.
Salt is made by depositing salt crystals in a salt cellar and removing the bittern over a period of six months to a year.

Unit : mg / kg
Comparison of major mineral contents of 
global sea salt
Republic of Korea (Jeollanam-do)
Calcium (Ca)
Potassium (K)
Magnesium (Mg)
Salt farm country ;  Poland, france , Austria, Israel, china, Japan, korea, australia, USA, Peru


So the first thing you need to do is choose the right salt.
You should choose natural salt that does not contain microplastics or heavy metals.

salt health 
law logic
When you consume salt, your body maintains an optimal salt concentration of 0.9%.
When the salt concentration exceeds 0.9%, water is lost from the body due to osmotic pressure, causing thirst.
Physiological saline solution used in hospitals is also manufactured assuming that the human body fluid is a 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Therefore, the absolute rule of salt health is to drink salt water with a concentration of 0.9%.
Cold salt water actually slows down the movement of organs and is not beneficial to the vitality of the body.
Therefore, it is important to drink slowly. Heat 500ml of water, add 4.5g of salt and dissolve well.
Drink the finished salt water 3 to 4 times a day.
Drink only about 200ml an hour before going to bed.
It is also a good idea to purchase a salinity meter and measure it for accurate concentration.
The salt content may feel high at first, so it is recommended to gradually increase the amount.
Also, be careful not to exceed the recommended daily salt intake of 5g.
Consuming more than that may result in excessive sodium intake and may be harmful to your health.
It is also important not to combine it with foods rich in potassium.
salt intake
 Adults consume about 5 to 15 g (usually about 8 g) of salt per day. 
Intake should be appropriately increased or decreased depending on seasonal effects, labor intensity, and sweating level.
No matter how good salt is, eating too much salt can cause arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, and weakening of the kidneys and lungs, so it is important to set aside one salt-free day a month.
When eating fruit, mix roasted salt and sesame seeds in a 6:4 ratio.
When eating only salt (bamboo salt), eat it without water and drink water about 20 minutes later.
This is because salts in the blood (water) can irritate and weaken the kidneys.
It is better to consume less salt.
Relieve muscle pain
Salt has a relaxing effect and helps relieve muscle soreness after exercise.
Bone growth
Lack of salt causes chronic dehydration.
Muscles become tense and put pressure on the bones.
It helps the growth of muscles and bones by inhibiting bone growth.
You need to replenish enough moisture.
Inducing deep sleep
Consuming more salt helps improve sleep disorders or insomnia because it stimulates melatonin production.
If you have severe insomnia, try drinking warm water before going to bed.
Drinking it mixed with a small amount of salt has a relaxing effect on the body and mind.
If you yawn often or feel tight in your chest, this is a very basic salt function.
If you yawn often or feel tight in your chest, this is a very basic salt function.
Due to the alkaline antioxidant effect of salt,
Removing dead or destroyed cells can prevent premature aging of cells.
cardiovascular protection
Dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and consuming it helps purify blood vessels and help produce red blood cells, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack and preventing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.
Detoxification & sterilization effect
Salt protects against harmful substances and bacteria.
Even if you abstain from meat for health reasons and follow a grain-based diet, consuming enough salt can help prevent damage to your body.
This means that as the salt content of body fluids increases, bacteria disappear from the body.
Promotes digestion
If stomach acid is not secreted properly from the stomach, digestion cannot occur.
Stomach acid receives some substances from salt to produce gastric juice, and salt must be consumed for good digestion.
Salt removes waste products attached to the stomach wall, helps the movement of the intestines, and improves digestive function by helping produce digestive enzymes.
strengthen immunity
For smooth metabolism, the salt content of blood and body fluids must be maintained at 0.9%.
This increases the immune system's production of antibodies and helps prevent flu and other viral infections.
If our body lacks salt, dehydration occurs.
Large amounts of carbon dioxide are produced, stimulating the brain's respiratory centers.
If you yawn often or feel tight in your chest, this is a very basic salt function.
Strengthening concentration
Eating salt improves kidney energy, improves the information processing ability of brain cells, and strengthens memory and concentration.


It refers to salt made by boiling seawater.
This salt is produced using traditional Korean salt manufacturing methods.
After concentrating seawater in a tide pool, transfer it to a pot on land and boil it over gentle heat for about 10 hours to obtain salt crystals.
Since foam is continuously skimmed off and impurities are removed during boiling, there is no bitter or astringent taste, and the taste is mild due to fine particles and low salt content.
Its mineral content is also higher than that of sea salt, so it has been recognized as the highest quality salt since ancient times.
However, because the manufacturing process is difficult and requires a lot of labor, only small quantities are currently produced in some regions, such as Taean, South Chungcheong Province.

Salt obtained by evaporating sea water with sunlight and wind. Overseas, a method of simply evaporating seawater is used, but in Korea, where it rains a lot, sea salt is produced by moving seawater to primary evaporation ponds, secondary evaporation ponds, crystallization ponds, etc. and concentrating it.
The production season is from early March to the end of October, and the highest quality salt is produced from late May to early June, when the highest daytime temperature is 24 to 27 degrees and the wind blows from the west.
A medium-sized salt, not too large, is best.
Depending on the flooring material of the salt farm, it is divided into 'floor salt', which is laid with black vinyl flooring, and 'soil salt', which uses the tidal flat floor as is.

Of the approximately 206 million tons of salt produced annually worldwide, approximately 60% is rock salt.
What was once the sea became land due to tectonic shifts, and the water evaporated and only the salt remained and solidified.
In the case of salt buried deep in the ground, a hole is drilled, water is poured in, and when the salt dissolves, it is dug out.
It contains almost no minerals, with sodium chloride accounting for over 98%.
This is because while the salt hardens over a long period of time, the mineral components are washed away and only sodium chloride crystals remain.
The main producing areas are the southeastern Russian Federation, Darkse, France, Punjab, India, Ontario, Canada, the western United States and central New York.

This salt is made by dissolving sea salt or rock salt in purified water or seawater, filtering out impurities, and then heating to crystallize.
It is called flower salt because the salt particles are small and white and resemble snowflakes.
It has less mineral content than sea salt, but also has fewer impurities.
The main ingredient of flower salt produced is mainly sea salt from Australia or Mexico.

This is salt processed by mixing various salts such as sea salt, refined salt, refined salt, and roasted salt with other food additives.
These include flavored salt with added monosodium glutamate (MSG) to improve taste, low-sodium salt to lower sodium content to improve blood pressure, and salt with chitosan and iodine.
In addition, various salts containing ingredients such as green tea, herbs, glasswort, and garlic are also being released.


This salt has increased the purity of sodium chloride using seawater purification technology.
When seawater is electrolyzed, heavy metals such as lead, zinc, and arsenic cannot pass through the ion membrane.
The high-purity sodium chloride crystals obtained in this way are refined salt.
Because the particles are thin and the concentration is uniform, it is widely used in the manufacture of processed foods such as confectionery.
The salinity is over 95%, so it has a very strong salty taste.
Because it has gone through a mechanical process, it is also called ‘mechanical salt’.
Commercially available 'deep sea salt' is also a type of refined salt made by purifying deep sea water to form sodium chloride crystals.

It is a salt made by roasting sea salt at high temperature.
When heat is applied to sea salt, the bittern and harmful ingredients are removed, and the minerals remain.
Toxic substances such as arsenic, lead, and mercury contained in sea salt are removed when heated from about 450 degrees to over 800 degrees.
When purchasing roasted salt, you must check whether the product packaging says 'safety grade product determined by the Food and Drug Administration.'

This salt is made by adding sea salt to bamboo and heating it.
When making bamboo salt, fill a bamboo container with one end blocked with sea salt, seal it with red clay, place it in a kiln, and bake it with pine firewood.
When the fire goes out and the kiln cools down, the bamboo burns and turns to ash, and the salt melts and hardens to resemble a white stick.
This mass is ground, placed back into the bamboo tube, baked, cooled, and then ground.
Bamboo salt contains active ingredients extracted from bamboo, such as natural sulfur, and has a sterilizing effect.


Efforts to obtain salt began a long time ago.
Thus, the Salt War broke out regardless of East or West.
In ancient Greece, slaves were paid in salt when buying and selling them.

A full-fledged salt trade market was formed when the Romans mass-produced salt in Ostia Antica on the west coast.
As salt exports increased, Rome became a wealthy and powerful country.


At that time, merchants transporting heavy salt faced two difficulties.
It was a bumpy and uncomfortable road with different heights, and there were unexpected attacks by thieves.

The lords paved roads so that salt merchants could move without inconvenience when their wagons passed through their territory, and mobilized knights to ensure their safety.
Instead, they received taxes.


This allowed lords and cities to sit back and make a lot of money.
In medieval Europe, salted food was served to distinguished guests, and salted fish and meat were eaten for a long time to prepare for winter when food was scarce.

Salt, gold, and slaves were the three major trade goods of Europeans, and in the 12th century, salt produced in Sijilmasa, southern Morocco, was sold at the same price as gold in Ghana.
Even in 16th-century Italy, salt was a luxury item more expensive than gold, so it was called ‘platinum.’



With the development of modern medicine and science, it has been revealed in detail why it is needed and its effects on the human body.
The water flowing through our bodies is salt water.
It is also contained in bones, flesh, and blood.
It is a component of the human body and is essential for connecting tissue to tissue, blood to cells, and brain to nerves.
It is a general term for various minerals dissolved in seawater and is the totality of essential nutrients and minerals necessary for the human body.

Without salt, you wouldn't be able to breathe, move your muscles, or digest nutrients.
Additionally, it becomes impossible to properly excrete waste from food that enters the body.
Without salt, breathing, temperature regulation, and brain activity would not be possible.
On the other hand, if you consume enough salt, you will experience amazing changes.

Inflammation disappears, pain disappears, fatigue is relieved, and hair becomes thicker.
Constipation and diarrhea disappear, your stomach feels comfortable, you get a good night's sleep, your blood sugar is controlled, and your physical strength improves.
Salt is used to send nerve signals and is also mobilized for digestion, absorption, and excretion.
Used to regulate blood pH and maintain electrolytes and homeostasis.
In other words, it is a component of blood and body fluids that generates osmotic pressure and causes blood to flow.

The benefits of salt are not limited to the body's metabolic activity.
The mind becomes clearer, concentration, judgment, and memory improve, improving learning and work ability.
Mental changes also occur, such as a negative personality changing into a positive personality, and an impatient person changing into a relaxed and relaxed personality.


The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the recommended daily salt intake at 5g.
We've been trying to reduce our salt intake for our health.
However, many recent studies have found that low-salt diet policies actually worsen health and that eating salty foods actually reduces obesity.

The incidence of cardiovascular disease is also said to be low.


The salinity of blood or amniotic fluid in the human uterus is 0.9%, the same as sea water, and the saline solution used in hospitals also has a salinity of 0.9%.
Salt concentration of 0.9% is an important value that protects our lives.

The reason why fluid is injected when sick is not because the fluid itself has a pharmacological effect, but because the concentration of electrolytes and sodium is correct and blood circulation is good.
It squeezes out waste and excretes toxins to restore vitality.
The magnesium component of salt helps blood circulation, and osmotic pressure allows blood to circulate quickly from the heart to the fingertips and toes.
Salt always warms the body and improves blood circulation.


Salt has a long history and performs many functions in our bodies.
Even at this moment, the salt flowing through the body circulates throughout the body, delivering nutrients and sending nerve signals.
Filter and clean used waste and remove unnecessary waste.
I would really appreciate it if you could properly understand the role of salt.


It is a porous mineral made of biotite among natural clay minerals.

It was first discovered in Illinois, USA in 1937, and Dr. Grimm's research team at Illinois State University named it illite and discovered its crystal structure.
Due to its flaky structure, it has excellent curvature, elasticity, and adsorption power, and has excellent heavy metal adsorption, far-infrared ray emission, and antibacterial properties.
There is a vein in Yeongdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, and it is distributed all over the world, including in the United States, China, and Korea, and is known as the highest quality vein.
There is a vein in Yeongdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, and it is distributed all over the world, including in the United States, China, and Korea, and is known as the highest quality vein.
Yeongdong-gun, North Chungcheong Province, said, “We will foster the Yeongdong-gun illite industry for the next 100 years.”
It was first discovered in 1937 by Professor Grim in Illinois, USA, and was named ILLITE.
It is distributed in small quantities in Pennsylvania, Quebec, Canada, Australia, and Illinois, and academic circles say that the world's largest reserves are located in Yeongdong, North Chungcheong Province, Korea.
In 1984, Srodon and Eberl defined illite as “a non-expansile icosahedral, aluminum-rich mica-like mineral with a grain size of 4 mm or less.”
general definition
It has a thin sheet-like structure and is flexible and elastic, so it has excellent elasticity and adsorption characteristics compared to other minerals.
It generates negative ions on its own, emits more far-infrared rays that are beneficial to the human body than other materials, and has the function of absorbing and deodorizing all odors, dust, gases, and even bacteria.
Distribution Quality
It is distributed in small quantities in Quebec, Illinois, Sichuan Province in China, and Australia, but Yeongdong, North Chungcheong Province is the only place in the world where veins containing a lot of illite are buried. (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, etc.)
Ingredient name
(mass fraction %)




Silicate minerals are a type of clay mineral created through chemical weathering.
Clay mineral rock consisting of particles less than 0.005 mm.

Illite is used for a variety of purposes due to its outstanding physical properties.

health & beauty
Healthy sleeping products, cosmetic ingredients, beauty powder, baby powder, packs, soap, bath salts, pharmaceutical ingredients, health product ingredients, etc.
 building materials
Construction materials, paint, plastic, rubber, etc.
Feed supplements, soil conditioners, water treatment agents, wastewater treatment agents, etc.
animal husbandry
Adsorption and decomposition of heavy metals and harmful gases,
Generation of far infrared rays and negative ions,
Cell activation and immunity enhancement
Antibacterial effect against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, and pneumoniae
Main components
Sio2 and Al2o3, same as muscovite
Physical properties
 average thickness 30A, diameter 0.1~0.3, bottom gap 10A, specific gravity 2.6.
Heavy metal adsorption function (Ag (mercury), cd (cadmium), pb (lead), Fe (iron), Cu (copper), etc.)
Adsorption of toxic gases (CNH3 (ammonia), So2 (sulfur dioxide), H2S (hydrogen sulfide gas), CL2 (chlorine gas), etc.
It emits far infrared rays.
It is an ore with excellent ability to generate negative ions.
far infrared rays
Radiant heat and penetrating power activate peripheral capillaries and improve blood circulation.
Compared to blackbody radiation at 40℃, emissivity 92.3% in the 5-20μm band, radiant energy 372 W/㎡·μm (Korea Far-Infrared Application Evaluation Research Institute affiliated with Korea Far-Infrared Association, FT-IR spectrum copy)
Hyperthermia is the application of heat to relieve pain and improve health.
It may be helpful for people with inflammation and stiff muscles or tissue damage, as well as other conditions where heat therapy can be very beneficial, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
It is a method whose effectiveness has been recognized globally to the extent that hyperthermia therapy is included in Article 93.35 of Volume 3 of ICD-9-CM, the U.S. Medical Insurance Payment Act.
Hyperthermia is mainly used for rehabilitation purposes and has the effect of increasing the extensibility of collagen tissue, reducing joint stiffness, reducing pain, relieving muscle spasms, reducing inflammation and swelling, and increasing blood flow.
In particular, increased blood flow to damaged tissues provides more protein, nutrients, and oxygen for healing, allowing for faster recovery.






If you raise your body temperature by 1 degree, your immunity increases 5 times.

Illite's radiant energy vibrates closest to the human body's natural wavelength and effectively increases body temperature through resonance.
The wavelength of far-infrared rays emitted from illite is the largest at 9.4μm.
This is consistent with the natural wavelength of 9.4μm of the average reflected light of the human body calculated based on Nobel Prize winner Wilhelm Wien's displacement law.
When a vibrating system is subjected to an external force with the same natural frequency, its amplitude increases significantly.
This is called the resonance phenomenon. Illite's far-infrared wavelength creates a resonance phenomenon with the natural wavelength of the human body.
It greatly activates cellular tissue and raises body temperature, greatly improving immunity.
adult diseases
Far-infrared rays have the property of being absorbed, so they are absorbed deep into the human body and strengthen peripheral capillary movement, promoting blood circulation and activating cell movement, thereby preventing adult diseases such as high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, and chronic fatigue.
Promote metabolism
Resonant absorption of far-infrared rays initiates resonant motion and generates energy within the molecule.
Most of it is converted into energy, and some becomes activation energy, activating molecules to promote waste discharge and metabolism, strengthen kidney function, and reduce arteriosclerosis.
It is excellent for anti-aging and fatigue recovery.
Pain relieving effect
How to irradiate far-infrared rays to a painful area
It is effective in relieving pain and has many benefits.
Most people who complain of pain improve through treatment for spinal diseases, degenerative arthritis, ligament damage, fractures, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, hemiplegia, and myelitis.
Illite's insomnia effect is excellent, so even people who have difficulty falling asleep due to insomnia can enjoy deep sleep using Illite's far infrared rays.


Anna Advice Lab is a natural anti-aging solution brand 
that pursues safe and healthy beauty by analyzing and interpreting the effectiveness of ingredients based on 
a deep understanding of the energy contained in nature, and researching and developing anti-aging healing ingredients through nature.

Unchanging beauty depends not on issues such as wrinkles, moisture, or skin tone, but on the balance of cellular energy that makes up the skin.
Anna Advice Lab aims to showcase the wonders of natural ingredients from all sources to support natural healing and vital energy cell activation.




This product helps hair grow well by reducing active oxygen and promoting the production of hair growth promoting factors.

Protects hair follicles and hair root cells by blocking hair growth inhibition.
It also stimulates the division of hair follicle cells to promote hair growth and helps heal damaged hair follicle cells.
When treating hair loss, mix well with shampoo and use while lightly massaging the scalp.
Hair root destroying 
Free radical inhibition
Excessive amounts of free radicals are produced, destroying the hair roots on the scalp.
hair growth factors
Accelerate production
Prevents hair loss by inhibiting the production of hair cell suicide factors (DKK-1, TGF-β1).
It promotes hair growth by inducing the secretion of hair growth promoting factor (IGF-1).
hair follicle cells
cleavage activation
Rapidly repairs damaged hair follicle cells and improves hair stem cell growth.

Efficacy tests on general hair loss patients also showed that hair loss was reduced, skin elasticity was improved, and hair began to grow within one month.

It is a safe scalp product that even women with sensitive skin or patients with skin diseases can use with confidence as it does not have side effects such as skin spots, blisters, or allergies, which are common when using existing hair loss treatments.


The energy required for human activities is obtained through breathing or food, and during the energy generation process, water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are produced, and active oxygen is created at this time.
Active oxygen plays a biological defense role in removing harmful foreign substances such as nicotine or pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and molds that have invaded the human body, and is a signaling substance necessary for cell division and growth.
If it decreases too much, cells cannot grow and disease occurs, so maintaining an appropriate amount of active oxygen is essential to strengthen immunity and maintain health.
However, if free radicals increase more than necessary, instead of blocking external enemies, they attack normal cells, causing various diseases harmful to the human body and accelerating aging.

Inflammation, stress, drinking, smoking, aging, pollution, ultraviolet rays, etc. produce excessive free radicals.
If the required amount is exceeded, antioxidant enzymes are secreted to control it, but if the amount is too much, control is impossible and may cause damage to the human body, so antioxidants must be supplemented externally.
Hair loss occurs when there are too many free radicals in the scalp.
Overproduced free radicals damage hair growth genes, hair growth inhibition genes, and androgen receptor regulatory genes, causing hair loss.
It also contaminates the blood vessels of the scalp and directly attacks hair follicle cells, causing hair loss.
Antioxidants are very effective in treating hair loss.

Antioxidants protect cells from harmful oxygen and promote iron absorption, collagen synthesis, and recovery from fatigue.
Recently, a paper was published showing that antioxidants inhibit hair loss, attracting the attention of many hair loss patients.
A research team from Tokyo Medical University in Japan and New York University in the United States studied the causes of hair loss through experiments on elderly women.
Research results have shown that as people age, type 17 collagen, an important protein that maintains the function of hair follicle stem cells, decreases, causing hair follicles to shrink and hair to become thinner and fall out.
An increase in male hormones causes hair follicles to shrink, causing hair loss. According to this study, type 17 collagen decreases with age and hair follicles shrink.
In other words, producing type 17 collagen can prevent hair loss.
Providing antioxidants to the scalp and hair helps produce collagen and is very effective in treating hair loss.

Antioxidants are not produced by the human body and are usually supplemented through food or nutritional supplements.


There are many causes of hair loss, but the most common cause is an unhealthy scalp.
A healthy scalp can prevent hair loss and hair growth.
In particular, hair loss becomes more severe if there is a skin disease on the scalp or if the pores on the scalp are clogged due to seborrheic skin.
The main cause of scalp damage and hair loss is free radicals.
Because the scalp, like the face, is most exposed to ultraviolet rays and pollutants, the scalp is damaged when excessive oxygen radicals are generated in the skin tissue.
Excessive free radicals attack skin cells, damaging and destroying them, unbalancing the immune system and causing inflammation.
Accumulation of active oxygen caused by ultraviolet rays or cigarette smoke causes oxidative stress, which causes aging of hair follicles and graying of hair.
Ultimately, eliminating free radicals prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth through scalp health.
Antioxidants are needed to remove these free radicals.

Antioxidants play a very important and powerful role in removing oxygen radicals from skin tissue.
Antioxidants help prevent and treat hair loss.
In particular, studies have shown that antioxidants inhibit the DKK-1 protein, a well-known cause of baldness caused by androgen hormones.
According to data released by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) under the National Institutes of Health (NIH), antioxidants are
It has been shown to induce secretion of an insulin growth factor called IGF-1, causing hair to grow thicker and faster.

In particular, antioxidants are important for collagen synthesis and cross-linking of keratin fiber tissue, the protein that forms hair.
Through many studies and clinical trials, it has been confirmed to be effective in preventing hair loss and hair growth, and is a safe nutritional substance with no side effects or tolerance.
Taking antioxidants alone is not effective because only very small amounts are delivered to skin tissues, especially the scalp.
That's why dermatologists say that injecting antioxidants directly into the skin is more effective than eating them.
However, antioxidants have the disadvantage of being easily oxidized when exposed to air, sunlight, moisture, etc., so they are ineffective when applied directly to the skin.
No matter how good an antioxidant is, it is difficult for it to be absorbed without being destroyed when applied to the scalp.
Therefore, existing scalp products had the problem of being unstable, unable to be absorbed deep into the skin, and easily oxidized.

The point is that it is important for antioxidants to remain active long enough to be absorbed into the skin without being oxidized.
Through years of research and development, our company has succeeded in developing antioxidant products whose antioxidant effects can be continuously absorbed into the scalp.
Mix with shampoo, apply to scalp, massage scalp to create lather, wait at least 3 to 8 minutes, and then rinse. Antioxidant ingredients are absorbed deep into the scalp and the antioxidant effect is fully demonstrated.
This is a scalp-only product that delivers antioxidant ingredients deep into the scalp when used with shampoo during a shower or bath 1-2 times a day.
It is a safe, natural anti-aging product developed through fusion technology of plant-based vitamins and natural mineral substances.

1.5 g / powder
Main specifications
Scalp & hair
Expiration date
36 months from date of manufacture
Country of manufacture
Responsible Seller
Main ingredient
Natural Antioxidant Complex S

If any of the following abnormalities occur while using cosmetics, use should be discontinued. Symptoms will worsen with continued use, so consult a dermatologist.If you experience any abnormalities such as red spots, swelling, itching, or irritation during use.If the application area has the above abnormalities due to direct sunlight.
Do not use on areas with wounds, eczema, dermatitis, etc.
Storage and handling precautions
Be sure to close the cap after use.
Keep out of reach of infants and children.
Do not store in places with high or low temperatures or in direct sunlight.



Illite's special filtration system emits far-infrared rays to remove heavy metals and impurities, as well as bitterness and astringency. It is a low-salt, alkaline, high-quality health salt rich in far-infrared rays and various minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.).

Using a special illite filtration system, salt-concentrated seawater and salt water are separated and extracted.
Illite's natural amino acids and four essential minerals are richly balanced.
It is a combination of 1,400 years of traditional methods and modern methods.
This salt is made using far-infrared rays through the Illite special system.
Water + Minerals (salt)SoilWood (Fuel) + Fire (energy)
Seawater and salt water (very salty salt water)Illite
A perfect crystal that harmonizes the five elements through illite.
Mix seawater (water, Steel) and illite (soil) and separate only the seawater after 24 hours.
The separated seawater is placed in an illite earthenware container, dried naturally (wood, fire), dehydrated, and the dried material is extracted.
When the dried product is aged in illite earthenware for 48 hours, illite mineral salt is produced.

Naturally dried illite mineral salt can only be produced from fall to winter, and since the production period takes about 6 months, only pre-orders are available.


Korea Testing & Research Institute 2022.
not detected
Food Act 2022
not detected
Food Act 2022
not detected
Food Act 2022
Escherichia coli
not detected
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
No. 2022-27 (2022.04.01)

Staphylococcus aureus
not detected
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Notice No. 2022-27 (2022.04.01)


Korea Far Infrared Applied Evaluation Institute 2022.
emissivity (5~20㎛) 
radiant energy (W/㎡ ㎛, 70 ℃)  


5.46 x 10²

The results of this test were tested at 70℃.
BLACK BODY comparative measurement results using FT-IR Spectrometer.
